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6 Tips to Maintain Company Culture During Growth

The phrase ‘great company culture’ is one we see everywhere – especially plastered all over job advertisements – but do we really know what company culture means? Great company culture consists of an employer and employees who hold the same/similar values, work together on decision-making, and really make sure everyone in the group is heard. It’s a feeling of unity

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5 Hiring Trends for Job Seekers in 2022

One minute we’re in March 2020, being told to isolate – we blinked, and now we’re approaching 2022. Can you believe it? A lot of people have put their career plans on hold during the pandemic, which is completely understandable – staying afloat was the best most of us could do – but what now? Although (unfortunately) COVID is still

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How to Sell Your Company to Candidates

For many years, employers have had the upper hand. They’ve had the pick of the bunch, an elite group of candidates meeting with them and discussing their deep interest in joining your company. Until now… Gone are the days where interview stages feel like X Factor boot camp with hundreds of people fighting for a chance to work with you.

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How to Successfully Manage a Hybrid Team

The last eighteen months have been a whirlwind. We’ve lived on Zoom, spent the majority of time in our pyjamas from the waist down and made cups of teas and coffees to our hearts content, without having to make some for the whole office! But now your staff may be asking, ‘are we returning to work?’ Whilst the answer varies

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6 Common CV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Let’s talk about CV’s. It’s something no one wants to chat about, for a number of reasons. They’re not fun to write, they take ages to update, and your brain keeps telling you to delete bits, only to add them back moments later! We’d all love to not bother with CV’s, but because they’re the first thing employers see, you

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5 Ways to Calm Pre-Interview Nerves

When applying for jobs, there’s no better feeling than receiving the email: ‘We’re impressed by your application, and we’re delighted to invite you to the next stage of the process…’ This feeling lasts for all of five-minutes, and then you’re hit with the realisation that you have to actually meet with the employer. Shortly after this, anxiety goes haywire. What’s

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10 Ways to Use a Job Rejection to Your Advantage

“I’ve never been rejected from a job,” said no candidate ever! Unless you’re exceptionally lucky, you’ll have experienced that heart-wrenching feeling of “we regret to inform you but.…”, and we can all agree, it’s not nice.  According to career coach Orville Pierson, the average job seeker gets rejected by 24 separate decision makers before they get that life-changing “yes”. This

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Happy Half Birthday to us !

It has been 6 months since I made that brave leap and set up Beam Recruit, it has been both the scariest and most exciting time in my career. Time goes so fast and it was going to be now or never, hearing myself every year saying why don’t I do this for myself, my poor husband getting sick of

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Beam Recruit is a specialist accountancy and finance recruitment consultancy based on three principles: transparent, honest and ethical. Whether you’re recruiting for a position or looking for your next role, Beam can help you along the way.