5 Ways to Calm Pre-Interview Nerves

When applying for jobs, there’s no better feeling than receiving the email: ‘We’re impressed by your application, and we’re delighted to invite you to the next stage of the process…’

This feeling lasts for all of five-minutes, and then you’re hit with the realisation that you have to actually meet with the employer. Shortly after this, anxiety goes haywire.

What’s the dress code? Will they like me? Am I even qualified for the role?

Whilst these are all genuine concerns – don’t panic! It’s easy to get lost in the creeping-dread, and even after you’ve read this blog there’ll still be some worries, which we totally get. After all, we are human!

But by applying these five nerve-calming tactics to your pre-interview routine, it might stop you completely slipping into ultra-stress-mode.

1 – Do your Research

Out of all the tips we’re giving you today, this is the most important one. You’ll find a lot of your anxiety come from not knowing what to expect. If you’ve researched the company, the building, and what the culture is like, you’ll feel less nervous. You can do this with a simple google search and checking out their social media platforms.

What do they stand for? Do you have similar views to them? Find out what the company is passionate about and bring it up in your interview. This is guaranteed to impress the employer.

If you think the company has room for improvement, then use it to your advantage! Compliment the business, whilst also letting them know you’ve come up with a small business plan on how you plan to excel things even further.

2 – Do a Commute Check

Whilst half the anxiety comes from ‘Not Knowing’, the other half comes from the commute. We all fear being late and embarrassing ourselves – it’s definitely the job version of dreaming you’re naked in public!

Before the big day, locating where the interview is taking place will give you a sense of security, and it’s one less thing to worry about. Whether it’s Google-mapping, or physically travelling there the day before, you’ll thank yourself later.

Pro tip: make sure to ask the employer if you need to bring any form of ID with you too – and pop it in a bag so you’re ready!

3 – Prepare your Outfit

If the commute doesn’t make you late, there’s still a chance outfit prep might! You’ll want to make sure you’re dressed appropriately for the role – so don’t be afraid to ask them for a dress code during the initial phone call.

Some business’ like it super smart, whilst others are opting for a more cool-casual look. Making sure you feel comfortable in what you’re wearing is vital – the more confident you feel, the better you perform.

4 – Remember, it’s a two-way street; they need to impress you too…

Whilst you’re in the moment, this is easy to overlook. We spend so much time worrying about what the employers think of us, we forget this is a test for them too. Whilst it’s definitely more nerve-wracking on the receiving end, just remember, it is still a two-way street.

You could be their perfect candidate, and they could love you and want you to drop everything and start tomorrow – but why should that matter if you’re feeling bad vibes? It’s so important to find the right fit, and that’s why it’s vital to ask questions. Towards the end of the interview, switch roles and become the interviewer!

Pro tip – if you want flexible work, ask them about flexible work policies. If company culture is important, ask them about company culture. Do not be afraid of sounding blunt! Ask as many questions as you can, before deciding if you want to move forward or not. See it as dating – but with employers and salaries!

5 – Take Deep Breaths & Put That Motivational Playlist on

It’s easier said than done, but just relax – this role isn’t the be all end all. Listen to your favourite music and don’t take yourself too seriously.

You’re getting experience, and employers are interested in you, which is amazing news! Whether it’s this job, or another one 3 interviews down the line – you’re going to smash it.

Our final pro tip – The best thing you can be throughout this process is yourself!

Beam Recruit is a specialist accountancy and finance recruitment consultancy based on three principles: transparent, honest and ethical. Whether you’re recruiting for a position or looking for your next role, Beam can help you along the way.