5 Tips for Graduates

So, you’ve graduated this Summer, you’ve had the best time, and then bam! – before you know it, it’s September and you need to find yourself a graduate role. The first piece of advice we’d give you at Beam is don’t panic. A lot of us put pressure on ourselves to find our ‘dream job’ straight out of University, but ask yourself this – how will I know what my dream job looks like before I’ve even started out in my career?

The truth is, you might have an idea of what your perfect role is, but then – once you’ve got it – you might realise it’s your worst nightmare. On the flip side, you could take a role as a stop gap and end up loving it. It’s a bit like dating, you need to try different things before you decide to fully commit to a career or company.

This can sound daunting, and we get it – it is! – but once you get into the swing of things, you’ll become more confident. Eventually, you’ll no longer be seen as a graduate, but as a young professional.

To ease you into the world of work, we wanted to give you 5 pieces of advice. So, let’s get to it…

Develop Resilience

As you probably know, job hunting is tough. The rejections can be painful, and the hours spent on job hunting can make you feel like your eyes are bleeding. It’s rough, but remember, every ‘no’ is one step closer to that ‘yes!’

Our advice would be to not take rejection personally. If they’ve interviewed you, that’s a win. You had the experience or education they were looking for. The competition is tough out there, and sometimes if it isn’t right for them, it wouldn’t be right for you either. Take a breather and ask for some feedback.

Always leave things on good terms with employers, you never know when a new opportunity could arise!

If you want to delve into developing resilience a bit more, check out Minds advice and remember to reach out to friends and family if things get tough.

Tailor your CV and cover letter to each role you apply for

Employers get lots of CV’s, so you need to ensure yours stands out amongst the many files stuffed into their inbox. You can do this by looking at what they want, if they’re asking for specific things, tailor you CV and cover letter around those key attributes.

If you need any help, check out this article on How to Tailor your CV to the Job Description.


This is one of the most important things you can do. Networking on the likes of LinkedIn (which is the best app to get noticed by recruiters) can land you with a dream job you hadn’t even applied for.

Now the Covid situation is much better (congratulations to doing most of your degree during the pandemic), you can now actually attend events and meet employers in person. Share your ideas and get involved in hot topics.

We’d recommend joining groups on LinkedIn and finding out what’s on in your local area. The more people you meet, the better.

Do more than apply for live jobs

Have an idea of what you want to do? We’d advise you to research companies and try and envision yourself working for them. Which ones stood out? Create a mood board of dream roles and companies in your area if it helps, with why you’d like to work there and what makes them stand out above the rest.

Then email them. Nearly every employer has their email in their LinkedIn description. Either drop them an email or send a request on LinkedIn! You never know if they’re about to hire, or whether they’ll really like you and keep you on their watch list.

Take Some Time to Reflect

Always take some time out of job hunting. What were the positives? What were the negatives? Is there anything you’ve learnt that week/month etc? No matter how long you’ve searched or how many times you’ve been rejected, you are important, and you’ve worked so hard through the pandemic – an experience no one else can take from you. Remember you’ve got this!

We hope these tips have helped, please get in touch about any of our vacancies for a confidential chat!

Beam Recruit is a specialist accountancy and finance recruitment consultancy based on three principles: transparent, honest and ethical. Whether you’re recruiting for a position or looking for your next role, Beam can help you along the way.